voltage clamp

美 [ˈvoʊltɪdʒ klæmp]英 [ˈvəʊltɪdʒ klæmp]
  • 网络电压箝位;电压钳;电压钳制;电压钳技术;电压钳模式
voltage clampvoltage clamp
  1. Method : Kv1.3 cRNA channel gene was expressed in xenopus oocytes and channel current was recorded using standard two-microelectrode voltage clamp techniques in control condition or KT intervention .


  2. Conclusions : The expression system of Xenopus laevis oocytes was successfully established . Using two-electrode voltage clamp recording technique to study about pharmacological properties of expressed different sub-types of NMDA receptors .


  3. Design and analysis of a voltage clamp system


  4. Input Filter and Voltage Clamp Circuit Design of Matrix Converter


  5. Methods The glass suspension electrode and the whole cell voltage clamp technique were used .


  6. METHODS standard microelectrode and two microelectrodes voltage clamp techniques were used .


  7. METHODS : Two microelectrode voltage clamp ( TEV ) method was used .


  8. Spontaneous discharge could be recorded by voltage clamp and current clamp .


  9. Measurement of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) oscillation in cell by voltage clamp technigue


  10. Also , the text gives a comparative better or worse result in two VDD-VSS voltage clamp structure under ESD .


  11. A two-electrode voltage clamp was used .


  12. The whole cell voltage clamp technique was used to record the Ik of isolated ventricular myocytes of guinea pigs .


  13. METHODS Na + / Ca 2 + exchange current and other currents of ion channels were measured using whole cell voltage clamp techniques .


  14. Two electrodes voltage clamp technique was performed to investigate neurotransmitter induced currents after mouse brain mRNA was injected into Xenopus oocytes .


  15. The Study of Salvia miltiorr (?) iza on Effects and Mechanism of Antiarrhythmia with Voltage Clamp Technique


  16. Research of Energy-feedback and Constant Voltage Clamp Bipolar Pulse Current Source ; Modeling and Double Circle Small Signal Analysis of Active-clamp Forward-flyback Converter


  17. An engineered egg is placed in a voltage clamp system and an odorant is dissolved in the buffer solution in which the egg is floating .


  18. With using whole-cell voltage clamp , current clamp , single channel patch-clamp recording as well as Ca2 + imaging , on freshly isolated DRG neurons .


  19. Effects of tetrandrine ( Tet ) on the slow inward currents in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers were studied by using two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique .


  20. Due to the voltage clamp on the capacitor , there is , for the doubled voltage of the push-pull circuit , no additional loss in the snubber .


  21. Methods : The two-electrode voltage clamp recording technique was used to observe the ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channel currents expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes without follicles .


  22. Aim and Methods : By using two microelectrode voltage clamp technique , to observe the effects of adenosine ( Ad ) on pacemaker current I f were examined in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers .


  23. The anion currents elicited by swelling rat ventricular myocytes in 1T and 0.6T solution , namely ICl , swell were studied using patch clamp techniques with whole - cell voltage clamp configuration .


  24. However , voltage clamp and patch clamp techniques have limitations in identification of the binding proteins of a toxin because they usually directionally use different types of ion channels or their subtypes to detect the activity of a toxin .


  25. To investigate the modulatory effect of H ~ + on ATP-activated current and the allosteric modulation through ATP receptor , double electrode voltage clamp technique was used to record the ATP-activated current in healthy Xenopus oocytes .


  26. Aim and Methods : Two microelectrode voltage clamp ( TEV ) method was used to study the blocking effects of extracellular Mn 2 + on the inward rectifier potassium channel ( IRK1 ) expressed in the Xenopus oocytes .


  27. Whole cell voltage clamp recording technique was used to examine the effects of γ aminobutyric acid B receptor ( GABA BR ) activation on the neuronal activities in the substantia gelatinosa ( SG ) of rat spinal cord slice .


  28. The voltage clamp and patch clamp techniques were used to measure the electrophysiological effects of Hebei tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) on nerve and muscle cells , and the comparison between electrophysiological effects of Hebei TTX and Japan TTX was made .


  29. When alpha - and beta - adrenoceptors were activated respectively in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibres , changes of the slow inward current ( Isi ) and delayed rectifier current ( Ix ) were studied by using two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique .


  30. Whole cell voltage clamp recording of neurons in the sixth layer of optic tectum of slices revealed the higher frequency of spontaneous miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents ( mIPSC ) than that of spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents ( mEPSC ) .
